f40 Funding Proposals – November 2018

Since f40’s initial proposals were published in 2016 and updated in 2017, there has been a National Funding Formula (NFF) consultation and an initial implementation took place for 2018-19 and 2019-20 (both utilising a baseline of 2017-18).

Many local authorities are in the process of moving toward the NFF.

However, it is f40’s view that the introduction of the NFF is merely a first step and that there are changes that must be considered and implemented to deliver a FAIR formula.

In the autumn of 2018 f40 commenced work on an update of its earlier funding proposals with a view to presenting them to the Department for Education.

First, we updated our Briefing Paper explaining the group’s current position on fair funding in the post-NFF period and this was first presented to MPs at a Parliamentary meeting in The House of Commons on 15 October 2018.


In tandem with this, f40 began a review of its basic funding formula proposals. The newly updated document reflects the national discussion and changing landscape of school funding.

These updated proposals were discussed at a meeting with officers at the Department for Education on 5 December 2018.

  • Notes of Meeting at the DfE (to follow)